Friday, February 14, 2014

New Roles

In doing this new project, I have decided to take on new roles for myself to try and test our different people. My current editor, Sukhveer, did some impressive grip-work for a couple of shots in the last project, and so I want to try him as that, keeping myself as just the DP(For those of you that don't know, DP means Director of Photography). I will also be trying to act, since I have experience in European martial arts.

One of our actors for the last project, Jarod Wiggins, will also be taking the role of choreographer, and has been working with me every weekend in planning the fight scene. As of right now, it looks like it's going to be focused on action shots with little plot, so that there's little pressure on me to get in dialogue and an actual story.  For this project there will only be two actors, myself and Jarod, and so it should be interesting. Jarod has had experience choreographing fights for commercials before, and I have acted in theatrical productions for festivals, which gives both of us some amount of experience in acting. Next time, I hope to post a tutorial on how to do something.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The New Project

This semester I really want to strive to create a product that is presentable. For the last project, I tried doing something completely new, which was great, but ultimately it ended in disaster. It actually got to the point where I just called off the entire thing. This time, i'm working on grounds that are more familiar and so hopefully it'll go better.

This time around, we will be filming at daytime, which is a huge relief. The worst thing about the last project was having to try and figure out solutions for the poor lighting. We also have a longer pre-production time, in which we are already choreographing everything and planning out most of the shots and scouting for locations to film. Overall, I have high hopes for the project, and will be glad to see it on finishing day. On my next blog post I will return to giving tutorials, and will give further updates when I have them. Farewell, pretty people.

Monday, January 20, 2014

New Year, New Project!

Last year, I set out with the goal of teaching people how to go about filming while also doing a film by myself. As much as pride goes against this statement, I have got to say: I did a pretty terrible job. This year, I hope to renew my efforts with flaming charisma and present an end product that is actually worth showing. I am trying to get another project that is easier to complete with the equipment and experience I have, and I'm hoping it centers around martial arts.

Ah, martial arts. How I love thee.
This time around I have someone who actually knows how to, and has choreographed fight scenes for commercials and so hopefully, this time around I actually do some good. I will also be trying to post lessons that are a little bit more helpful, because I feel like many of my lessons came off as me spewing poo. With that, I bid everyone adieu. Fare the well!