Sunday, September 8, 2013

What I'm All About

Hello! For this blog, I intend to study the art of cinematography for a whole entire year by studying film techniques and creating films of my own. I have a deep love for the camera, and so I thought I should learn more about it, and in the process possibly provide some sort of teaching for others to look at. This blog is going to be directed at people who want to possibly learn more about cinematography as well as hopefully those who would like to critique my work, because I can only get better if I know what I'm doing wrong! I'll try to post a video a week, whether it be on current projects, a finished project itself, or how-to's for certain things. I will also try to post some of what I learn about the intricacies of cinematography as I learn them. I will also be combining my blog with two other blogs studying video editing and choreography, so expect to see links to their blogs as I post things. Throughout the entirety of this project, I will be using a Canon Rebel T3i DSLR and a glidecam HD-1000, with some other fittings added on when necessary. The picture on the upper right is a picture I took of my lens cover.
So, without further or due, my name is Nath, and welcome to my blog.

1 comment:

  1. This is a topic I'd like to learn more about. I took a film analysis class and loved it. I have a book you may find helpful.
