Monday, November 11, 2013

An Update to The Filming of Film

Hey! For today's blog post, I'm going to be talking about the project that I've been working on since I started this blog, Abandon. So far, so good, at least as far as my very first horror film/night shooting experience goes. I've learned quite a bit from my time here, and want to share with you some things we could improve on in the future.

 One: Always plan out your script and get it revised and re-revised before the day of film. Due to some issues on our team, our screenwriter gave me the script for the second Act on the day of shooting the second Act. Needless to say, that became one big, giant, cluster of crap. Two: Always tell yourself that you will be working hard on the shoot and never tell your team otherwise. We thought we only had a little to do the last time we filmed, and so told our team that we could relax a bit for that day. We only filmed one scene that day, out of around 10. Three: Check and double check your gear. I had forgot my extra battery packs the last time, and if we had actually done more filming that would've been an issue.

With that, I am going to present you guys with an updated version of the video, with a watchable first part. Enjoy! Except the horrid parts, of course. We'll fix those I swear.

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